...OK all you revolting peasants,
here comes The Executioner (aka N1HTS) to educate you in "Right
Thinking"... |
...Brother Erik (KA1RV)
contemplating who knows what (but I'm sure it must be evil...) |
"Golden Boy" Steve (W1ES) ready to
kick a few goals in the study... |
Dilbert casts a furtive glance
about him, obviously looking for the pointy-haired manager... |
...and over here, Ladies &
Gentlemen, may I present Sir Robert of Spence (N1ICB) and his good lady The
Fair Lady Scottie (N1PUI)... |
Space Manns (or should it be Space
Persons?) invade The Raisbecks... (Kathy & Miles (WF1F)) |
"OK youse guys - now we're gonna
have a good time - right?..." Stanley (N1TT), of Tasty Tarts fame, spreads a
little festive atmosphere in the true spirit of Halloween... |
...here we have a motley crew seen
in the kitchen: Captain Bob (N1DVC), MB (N1FER), Dave (W1TQ), Brother Erik
(KA1RV), Flower-Child Eliot (W1MJ - geddit?), and The Lovely
Barbara... |
Good Lord! I'm glad I don't look
like this poor chap! |
"...and the food is sooooo
delicious... mmmmm!!!..." MB (N1FER) tasting treats... |
...and here we have Geraldine, a
shy quiet girl from the far-flung reaches of Northern New Hampshire...
"...75 cents a dance, 75 cents a dance..." |
...Chuck (K1KW), Peter (KD1IV),
Paul, Barbara, Dave (W1TQ) & Ellen congregate in the kitchen... |
...meanwhile, Lada (OK1DIX)
operates Radio TWOOF... |
...looks like The Executioner has
found himself a victim... |
...Ira (not Hiram) (WA1W) enjoys
some "boney dancing" with - wait, no - can it be!! - isn't that Nancy
Reagan? |
...a touching scene as Tim-Tron
(WA1HLR) enjoys a quiet reflective moment with an anorexic friend (you know I'd
swear that was Nancy R...) |
...could this be love? I think we
should be told... |
...no need to fear -
Zorrette is here! |
...I wonder if that's mead in Rob
(N1ICB)'s cup? |
...MB (N1FER) about to sample some
of the wonderful food at the party... |
"The Czech Brothers", Lada (OK1DIX)
& Eliot (W1MJ), jamming in an impromptu session... |
Jim (WK1V), ready to attend the
prayer-meeting... |
...Brentina (W1IA) in a rather
unusual costume (for her)... |
Paul, Chuck (K1KW), Peter (KD1IV),
MB (N1FER), Barbara, Dave (W1TQ) & Ellen in the kitchen... |
"Oh, Hiram...", "Oh, Nancy...",
"Oh, Hiram...", Oh, Nancy...", "Oh, Hiram..." |
MB (N1FER) & Cruella de
Ville... |
Dave (W1TQ) looking for suitable
victims... |
...hey how did they get in here?
Eliot (W1MJ) and Sarah (N0CALL) at the WARA/1200 Auction... |