The Team TWOOF operated the CQWorld-Wide CW Contest from the Super-Station of K1TTT, Peru, Massachusetts. Our class was multi-multi and we operated 6 HF stations.
To see larger versions (in a separate window), click on the small pictures -
All successful campaigns start with careful planning; here we see Brent (W1IA) Steve (W1ES) and team-leader Mike (K1TWF) carefully planning... | |
Two cars, travelling in tandem - all's well until we find snow on the Mohawk Trail... | |, why are we stuck in a 40 minute traffic-jam? | |
..the cause of the delay is quite apparent... | | last! K1TTT's Towers hove into view... | |
...the first job is to check-out Dave's aluminium and steel farm... | |
20 metre antennas - this is only one of five towers (well, six actually, if you include the tower for the TV and 2m) - is this real or what? | |
15 metre antennas - this is another of the five... | |
Dave (K1TTT) introduces us to the station, and to... | |
Boozer, DX-Hound extraordinaire | |
on the left is tri-bander for the mult-station, and over on the right, the 2 over 2 (40 m station) | |
2 over 2 on the 40 m tower | |
...of course all the operators spent many hours studying the intricacies of CT... | |
Mike (K1TWF) plans the operating schedules for the next 48 hours... | |
Brent (W1IA) warming up on 10m | |
Dave (K1MBO) getting ready to run on 10m. (K1TWF, OK1DIX, W1MJ & W1IA in background) | |
Eliot (W1MJ) meets the amp of his dreams (btw Eliot is the EMA qrp champion...) | |
Ed (NT2X) enjoys contesting... | |
Sergey (KG2JZ) at home on 40... | |
Dave (K1MBO) engrossed in 20... | |
Ed (N1IWV) enjoying the delights of 15m | |
Brent (W1IA) & Steve (W1ES) hard at work on 10 & 80 | |
None of this would have been possible without Dave (K1TTT), a most gracious host - Thanks Dave! | |
Eliot (W1MJ) is totally absorbed in a 40m run, while maestro Ed (NT2X) gives a command-performance on 20m... | |
Steve (W1ES) - never happier than when running JAs during a great opening on 15m... | |
Ken (WO1N) keeping them coming on 40m | |
...meanwhile Boozer keeps intruders at bay... | |
(with K1TTT just in picture on the left)...
"Is this Great! or what?..." Steve's shirt says it all... |
Ladislav (OK1DIX) operating the 10m station | |
Boozer keeps a close eye on the turkey as Steve (W1ES) makes a sandwich - just in case - you never can be sure with turkey, you have to watch it all the time... | |
Brent (W1IA), Ken (WO1N), Sergey (KG2JZ) & Mike (K1TWF) in the final hours of the contest... | |
Mike (K1TWF) squeezing out the last few qsos on 40 | |
...after 48 hours of continuous
operation, all the operators take a well-deserved break, and check into
the 3.830 brag-net to see how well the "other guys" did...
K1TTT's dad, Dave (K1TTT), Eliot (W1MJ), Brent (W1IA), Ladislav (OK1DIX), Ken (WO1N) (seated), Mike (K1TWF) |
Oh, by the way here's how we did: Team TWOOF CQ WW DX CW Score
Many thanks to all those who made this fun event possible. Thanks to all the operators who spared no effort in producing a really first-class score. Thanks to Dave (K1TTT) and Mike (K1TWF) for getting everyone together, and a special thanks to Dave (K1TTT) for the use of his wonderful station - THANKS DAVE!!!!
Oh, and one more thing - thanks for using my call-sign (this is its first outing in a REAL contest!)
- whd
Last revised: August 6th, 1999
Credits, copyright and contact information is available.